
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Phone Number validation In Salesforce?

Converting 10-Lines of Apex code to a 1-line Validation Rule Formula
Code clean-up is what I'm doing these days ... lots of code clean-up. One of our orgs (we have sixteen of them) currently has 72% test coverage in production. I'm not sure how the previous administrators were able to install code below the 75% threshold, but they managed. I'm tasked with getting that code cleaned up, so I can deploy a new release.

While looking for areas to improve code coverage, I stumbled upon this trigger:

trigger checkAccountPhoneNumberBiBu on Account (before insert, before update) {
   for (Account account : {
      if (account.Phone==null) continue;
      Pattern p = Pattern.compile('[-() ]');
      String sPhone = p.matcher(account.Phone).replaceAll('');
      // check length without punctuation
      if (sPhone.length() != 10) account.Phone.addError(' Phone number must have 3 digit area code and 7 digit number');
      p = Pattern.compile('\\d');
      sPhone = p.matcher(sPhone).replaceAll('');
      if (sPhone.length() > 0) account.Phone.addError('Phone number must be formatted as (999)999-9999');

This trigger looks at the value entered in the "Phone" field before an Account record is inserted or updated; if the phone field is not in the (999)999-9999 format, it errors out and notifies the user to enter the phone # in the proper format.

In addition to this Apex code, the developer also had to write a testmethod to ensure coverage of the trigger. His code was only getting 67% test coverage (which is what brought the trigger to my attention in the first place).

As I started looking at what I needed to add to the testmethod to ensure 100% coverage, I realized it would be easier to just get rid of the trigger altogether, and replace it with a Validation Rule. That 10 lines of Apex code was reduced to a 1-line formula in a validation rule:

NOT(REGEX(Phone, "\\D*?(\\d\\D*?){10}"))

Standard profiles in Salesforce?

Standard profiles cannot be deleted and permissions cannot be edited.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Using Rerender to Render — One Solution for Headaches?

It's a regular occurrence to have an <apex:outputPanel> or similar element in a Visualforce page, where you want to toggle visibility of said element according to some variable. Something that's caught both myself and fellow teammates out on a few such occasions is finding that it just won't appear again after being removed from the screen, when the page code looks analogous like the following.

<apex:outputPanel id="thePanel" rendered="{!bRenderThePanel}">
    <!-- Content -->

<apex:commandButton action="{!DoSomeCalcs}" rerender="thePanel" value="FIRE!"/>

In this example, the action DoSomeCalcs is implemented such that it will toggle the value of the variable bRenderThePanel and so the result should be that the panel is alternately displayed and hidden with each click of the button. Woe is the developer, as this is not the case. Chances are you'll find yourself confused as to why it just won't reappear (or appear in the first place).

Essentially re-rendering a specified panel (or other component) that is not currently displayed will fail, and the solution is to wrap it with a component that is always present, using that as the target for the re-render. Thus our example becomes:

<apex:outputPanel id="thePanelWrapper">
    <apex:outputPanel rendered="{!bRenderThePanel}">
        <!-- Content -->

<apex:commandButton action="{!DoSomeCalcs}" rerender="thePanelWrapper" value="FIRE!"/>

What does seem strange to me is that Salesforce have specifically ensured that you can access DOM elements within an <apex:outputPanel> when it's not displayed, as indicated by the documentation for the layout attribute, it seems odd that this functionality does not carry over for the element itself when it's being used as a re-render target.

The layout style for the panel. Possible values include "block" (which generates an HTML div tag), "inline" (which generates an HTML span tag), and "none" (which does not generate an HTML tag). If not specified, this value defaults to "none". However, if layout is set to "none", for each child element with the rendered attribute set to "false", the outputPanel generates a span tag, with the ID of each child, and a style attribute set to "display:none". Thus, while the content is not visible, JavaScript can still access the elements through the DOM ID.

Happy coding!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

AggregateResult in Salesforce?

AggregateResult in Salesforce is used to find Sum, Min, Max and Avg. It is similar to Aggregate function in SQL.

Using Aggregate Result, we cannot fetch data. It is mainly used to find Sum, Min, Max and Avg.

Sample Code:

Visualforce page:

<apex:page controller="Sample" sidebar="false" action="{!show}">
<apex:pagemessages />
<apex:form >
    <apex:pageBlock >
        <apex:pageblockTable value="{!SummaryList}" var="r">          
            <apex:column headerValue="Account Name" value="{!r.AcctName}"/>
            <apex:column headerValue="Number of Contacts" value="{!r.Total}"/>

Apex Controller:

public with sharing class Sample {
    public List<AggregateResult> Result {get;set;}  
    public List<Summary> SummaryList {get;set;}
    public List<Account> AcctList;
    public Map<Id, Account> IdAccount;
    List<Id> Ids;
    public void show() {
        SummaryList = new List<Summary>();
        Result = new List<AggregateResult>();
        Ids = new List<Id>();
        AcctList = new List<Account>();
        IdAccount = new Map<Id, Account>();
        Result = [SELECT Count(Id) Total , AccountId FROM Contact GROUP BY AccountId];              
        for(AggregateResult a : Result) {  
        AcctList = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN : Ids];
        System.debug('Account List' + AcctList);
        for(Account a : AcctList) {
            IdAccount.put(a.Id, a);          
        System.debug('Ids and Accounts are ' + IdAccount);
        for(AggregateResult a : Result) {
            Account TempAcct = new Account();          
            TempAcct = IdAccount.get((Id)(a.get('AccountId')));
            system.debug('Account Name is ' + TempAcct.Name);
            SummaryList.add(new Summary(a, TempAcct.Name));              
    public class Summary {
        public Integer Total {get;set;}
        public String AcctName {get;set;}
        public Summary(AggregateResult a, String AccountName) {
            Total =  (Integer)a.get('Total');
            AcctName = AccountName;

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Javascript to select all checkboxes in visualforce page?

I needed to develop a custom visualForce page which would hold a page block table which would contain a checkbox and details of a custom object based on which user can select and click on buttons to perform some operations.

I wrapped the custom object record and check box in a wrapper class. I needed a simple functionality when the header checkbox is selected or deselected accordingly all the checkbox will get selected or deselected accordingly. So i looked into community and first result community gave is this(controller way). It involved calls to back end and as a result functionality is little slow.

So I went for a Javascript solution which would provide a faster,elegant and much simpler way.Here is the VF code which was used in the page above.
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapreportsobj }" var="w" id="Selected_PBS">
<apex:column ><apex:facet name="header">
<apex:inputCheckbox onclick="checkAll(this,'checkedone')"/>
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!w.selected}" id="checkedone"/></apex:column>
<apex:column ><apex:facet name="header">Id</apex:facet><apex:outputfield value="{!}"/></apex:column>
<apex:column ><apex:facet name="header">Name</apex:facet><apex:outputfield value="{!}"/></apex:column>

Note that I have set the id of the checkbox as checkedone and while clicking on header checkbox it calls a javascript function  checkAll. Giving an id will segregate all the checkboxes in the table. Here is the javascript which would handle the selecting and deselecting all of the checkboxes which has id checkedone in it.

<script type="text/javascript">
    function checkAll(cb,cbid)
            var inputElem = document.getElementsByTagName("input");                    
            for(var i=0; i<inputElem.length; i++)
                    inputElem[i].checked = cb.checked;

Loading products , pricebooks and pricebook entry?

There is always a need to load Products into salesforce. Its a 3 step process to load products and associate them with pricebook . There is a standard pricebook which salesforce provides by default which can be deactivated. There is also an option to create custom pricebook as many as you want in accordance with the business.

Fields in red are required and fields in blue are read only

Pricebookentry is the junction object between product2 and pricebook2 object( For strange reasons they have suffix 2 for standard object) . It has lookup for product2 and pricebook2 field through product2id and pricebook2id field. Name and productcode is copied over from product2 based on product2id field.

Essentially for loading Products you need to load product2 table first. Create a CSV file. Name is the only required field. Optionally have columns for other fields indicated in the pic.set Isactive to true. use dataloader to insert data. Get the id of the products from success file which got created.

Pricebook2 will also have only Name as required field. Isstandard indicates whether its a standard or custom and its readonly. Also Isactive should be set to true if you are planning to use it. Get the Pricebook2id from success file. Alternatively export pricebook2 table to get id of pricebook already created.

Final step is to create pricebookentry. Pricebook entry needs to be created for each Pricebook.
populate ids of product2 in product2id column and pricebook2 in pricebook2id column. Unitprice is a required field where the price for this pricebook is set. Pricebook entry for a custom pricebook cannot be made if that product is not there in the standard pricebook.

Unitprice can be made read only if usestandardprice field is set to true. This can be made only for custom pricebook and when the product is added to standard pricebook. So the unitprice set in standard pricebook will be carried over to the custom pricebook. Make Isactive true whenever u are planning to use it. Use dataloader to insert the pricebookentry. you have to repeat the above 2 steps for each custom pricebook.If you have multiple currencies enabled there should be as many pricebook entry records for a single product in a pricebook for each currency.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013 - Reference to tools and resources - All in one place

Everytime i need to install a administrative tool or if i need tutorials or references, i found that i spend a considerable amount of time in locating them... As a result, this article came to my mind..

Here, you will find links to some of the administrative tools in as well as less-known good resources..

This list would be updated as and when i find new resources.. So, make sure you bookmark this page :-)

Salesforce objects, fields and their usage - Complete description

This is the official WebServices Developer's guide but has enough information that you would want to know about Salesforce objects, how to use them etc through the API. 
Click here

Excel Connector for

Sforce Connector - 
Click here

Office toolkit 3.0 - 
Click here

Please note that Office toolkit 4.0 is installed automatically when you install the Outlook connector for Salesforce....

Apex Explorer

Installation guide and notes - 
Click here

Installation file - 
Click here to download

Apex Data Loader

Installation guide and notes - 
Click here

Running the Apex Data Loader from the command prompt: Click here
Running the Apex Data Loader from the command prompt (Simplified) : Click here

SFDC Web to anything -

You might have heard about web to Case, web to anything lets you to create records in any object through a web form..

You can find the code, screenshots and description here - 
Click here

iGoogle like Salesforce Home Page (iSalesforce)

The project source and a demonstration are hosted here. 
Click here

Tutorials and guides -

The official guide's and tutorial's page - 
Click here

Discussion forums -

The official community forums - 
Click here